About People Gardening

This sounds like an unusual term but think of it as something akin to relationships and more. There are all sorts of people in our lives each and every day. Each opportunity for contact is like gardening. Where we tend to their needs, provide them with water, nutrition, etc. We use our gifts and abilities to tend to people in our lives. In turn, they may do the same for us.

One important thing to remember, tending to yourself. For you are the one in control of your heart. It is your job to protect it yet at the same time allow it to love fully. Anything less is doing a disservice to your heart's capabilities. It would be wise to not short-sell love for it is an investment that can come back 100-fold.

This blog then is about exploring the people in our lives including ourselves in a loving way.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Some of the best teaching moments are the ones we wish we hadn't had to go through.  Sometimes though, we go through things so that we can teach someone else something.  All the while, we need loads of discernment, wisdom, and prayer especially in going through all situations, not just the difficult ones. This learning about difficulties and embracing goodness, it's what my life has been about. Probably each of you too.  How about embracing the good and THANKING Him for the grace in each and every moment!

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