About People Gardening

This sounds like an unusual term but think of it as something akin to relationships and more. There are all sorts of people in our lives each and every day. Each opportunity for contact is like gardening. Where we tend to their needs, provide them with water, nutrition, etc. We use our gifts and abilities to tend to people in our lives. In turn, they may do the same for us.

One important thing to remember, tending to yourself. For you are the one in control of your heart. It is your job to protect it yet at the same time allow it to love fully. Anything less is doing a disservice to your heart's capabilities. It would be wise to not short-sell love for it is an investment that can come back 100-fold.

This blog then is about exploring the people in our lives including ourselves in a loving way.

People Gardening 101 - Foreword

Approximately 22 years ago I first felt the urge to write a book. I never found the timing or the subject matter as important as what is to come in this book.  As far as the subject matter now, then suffice it to say it has been an interesting journey the last few years to get to this point and actually begin with a seed that was planted in me some 22 years ago. 
            In the summer of 2006 I felt another urge, an urge to finish my education and get my bachelor’s degree that I had started 24 years ago.  You see, I did not make the grade so long ago and my path in life took various changes but alas, the opportunity came back where I could finish my degree and as a result, many blessings have resulted.  During my first semester as a returning adult student in Spring 2007, one of my professors noticed something in me and proceeded to communicate to me that I should consider getting my MBA.  The email conversation went something like this:
            Prof:  You bring a lot of interesting points and views to the class in your discussions and in your assignments, have you ever considered getting your MBA?
            Me: No, I have not. I am self employed and do not see how an MBA would do anything for me.
            Prof: You do not understand.  It is not what an MBA will do for you but what you with an MBA will do for someone else.
            Me:  Okay? I’ll consider it. 
My first thought after that conversation was that I had no idea exactly what he meant exactly. I did take it as a seed but not really how I could possibly have any type of impact on someone else’s life if I had an MBA. The concept just did not sink in.  My second thought was how in the world I was going to be able to make that happen. If this is something that really could come true then I had no understanding as to how I had any of the means to afford another two years of school.  What did slowly become clear is that this would take a small miracle for me to continue going to school. I did not know how I could make this occur by myself. I started a small conversation with God. “God, if this is your will then you will have to make some miracles happen because I honestly do not know how I can afford this. Can you move this mountain too?”  The seed was planted, I gave it to God and he answered. I like to think that He saw that I worked hard getting the first degree. Somehow over the course of the year I reconciled myself that I just had to have faith that this was a path to take. After all, he found me a way to finish my BA so who am I to question God with the ability for me to get my MBA.
With 45 semester hours under my belt I graduated in December 2007, just one short year after I began this leg of the journey.  The interesting part about how the opportunity of even going back to school comes from a long and painful situation in my life turned blessing.  While serving in the military on my birthday in 1992, I was in a severe car accident which was severe enough that even the wrecker asked, “Who died in this?”  The blessing is that not only did I not die but because of the many physical difficulties as a result and have experienced since that time, the accident provided a way for me to get my education completed via the Veterans’ Vocational Rehabilitation Program.  I was truly blessed with a counselor at the center. She not only gave me the opportunity to complete my bachelor’s degree but to also achieve an MBA.
During my exit interview with my wonderful counselor to transition from the student phase to the job search phase, she offered to send me to back to school to get my MBA. My jaw dropped to the floor. Right then and there!  I felt God answering that initial question that yes, He can move mountains without a doubt! What started out as but just a small seed, He found the way to provide. He is the one that guided me through all of my studies.  He is the only one that can make things happen. My initial response of course was that I needed to consult with my family. I did and the result is that I started my MBA in the spring semester while looking for a job, another task for which I once again gave to God to handle. 
Not only did I start my MBA but I began working full time after only submitting out 8 resumes.  Now the odds of getting any interviews at all with only so few resume submissions in these days would be thought of as not exactly playing good odds.  I know people who have submitted hundreds of resumes with only a few calls for interviews. I had a few people who asked how my job hunt was going I simply replied that “I have faith that it is going.” I would shrug my shoulders and simply give a simple look that it was not in my hands no matter how crazy it seemed. I just kept the faith.  However, out of eight resumes submitted, I received one interview call and a job as a result.  Not bad odds I say but I must admit, it has all been by the grace of God.  I humbly submit that the opportunity was by His grace, His favor.  I would still be stuck where I once was, uneducated, unmotivated, and feeling unworthy.
During my first semester as an MBA student and in the middle of the daunting class of quantitative analysis, a statistics oriented class, came once again the idea of writing a book. All of my classes during the course of my education were online. During the discussions in this class, my professor had the innate ability to match subject topics to parallel with verses and discussions from the Bible.  During these discussions in the class once again the idea of writing a book arose.  My classmates at that point began encouraging me to write and according to their opinions at the time, they said I write like a female Max Lucado. Now knowing who Mr. Lucado is even at that time, I considered it an honor to be even compared to such a talented person because I by no means have ever considered myself a writer. The seed however, which began some 22 years ago had resurfaced. While the seed may have been dormant for such a long time, it was finally time for that seed to take root and start to grow.
I thank God for the ability to share with anyone who reads this book, what I have learned about and continue to learn about the concept of People Gardening. For there are many people who have not only gardened with me, but also I with them; as some would say, “there are no coincidences in life.”  We cross each others’ paths for a reason and as the motto of university, where I went to school to finish my degree, for the initial seed planting by my professor to get my MBA, for the cultivation of that seed by my quantitative analysis professor and all of those classmates in that class during the Spring of 2008, Jeremiah 29:11 rings so very true.  To whomever reads this book, welcome to my garden, the one I believe that God has entrusted me to tend. I am ever so thankful for the opportunity to serve You.
My children, all four of them, along with my family and friends, are the very ones whom I dedicate this book too. Special dedication is given to my one true love, My One and Only - Allen. For without you, your love, and your support and your tender gardening skills, I know that I would not have the inspiration to write all that needs to be written.