About People Gardening

This sounds like an unusual term but think of it as something akin to relationships and more. There are all sorts of people in our lives each and every day. Each opportunity for contact is like gardening. Where we tend to their needs, provide them with water, nutrition, etc. We use our gifts and abilities to tend to people in our lives. In turn, they may do the same for us.

One important thing to remember, tending to yourself. For you are the one in control of your heart. It is your job to protect it yet at the same time allow it to love fully. Anything less is doing a disservice to your heart's capabilities. It would be wise to not short-sell love for it is an investment that can come back 100-fold.

This blog then is about exploring the people in our lives including ourselves in a loving way.

Friday, August 27, 2010

He's been carrying me a lot this past year. Sometimes I feel like I have been really really heavy. In human terms it is easy to think this way. But then I have to remember who it is that is carrying me and then I remember that with Him nothing is impossible because all things are possible!  He carries all my weight (burdens) and will for everyone else in the world if we LET HIM!  That is the key point - if we LET HIM because He can't if we don't ask Him. He makes no "assumptions" about our desires and needs even though He knows them, we have to humble ourselves and ask for help. It really is not that hard of a concept to grasp.  Ask and ye shall receive.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm not superwoman or supermom.  Far be it but I do know this, something I learned a while back - the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask.  Sometimes you just have to humble yourself and ask for help.  It isn't easy to do and I realize this but I also found this to be true as well - nothing worth anything can ever come to life if it comes too easy.  Why? Because we are supposed to appreciate what we are given.  The first place to start when asking for help in ANYTHING (notice that there are no exceptions here) - start with God.  He knows what is on your heart but if you don't take the time to share with him what you need then "You" are still in control and He isn't. He can't give you something you don't ask for.  All we have to do is ask Him.  That my friends isn't hard to do. The hard thing is releasing our pride to ask.  Still need to hold onto being shy?  Think again...you just might be surprised by the results.  Give to Him and He gives back - can't beat a better deal!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's nice to know that you can have a positive effect on someone's life. The best part is when you give it because you want to not because you have to. The beauty is when you find the grace and purpose in having a relationship with them to begin with. The result is happiness and joy aka love.

Monday, August 9, 2010

If you had to think for just a minute about what kind of plant you are in God's garden, what kind of plant would you be?
  • Would you be a flower? 
  • Would you be a tree?
  • Would you be a fruit?
  • Would you be a vegetable?
  • Would you be a bush or shrub?
  • Or a cactus?
  • How about a weed?  
All plants have a purpose in the garden.  There are obvious indicators such as the view of a rose, the edibility of the fruit born.  Many trees, shrubs, and cacti have healing properties.  All plants have some purpose.  Even weeds have a purpose in a garden.  If not, then why would there be seeds for these "weeds" which seem to constantly annoy us as we garden and attempt to have beautifully groomed lawns?  

I look forward to your responses and please be specific. If you feel like posting why then I would love to see why you see yourself as a particular kind of plant. I suppose it has not been difficult in figuring out what kind of plant I see myself.  Not sure how to explain the thorns though, I just like the flowers so let's pretend that my rose bush has no thorns.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wondering what is on God's radar for me today. No matter what it is though, there will be grace and mercy in it whether I see it or not. I am thankful for all that He does for me. Be it trials or joyous celebrations, all have a purpose in His plans for me.  See the Bible version at Jer 29:11. 

You see, we have no clue as to what God sees that each of us need to endure to become better people. He really wishes that none of us have "bad" days but if we have no bad days then how do we appreciate the good days that we have? We have to then have a mix of both to make us well rounded - more complete. Change keeps us prepared for the accidents that happen in life. For without change, we become monotonous in life, incapable of having self motivation to keep moving forward. We just keep spinning our wheels going nowhere - stuck in neutral. Can you imagine being stuck in neutral your entire life?

The sad thing is that the Jews of Egypt with Moses did that very thing for 70 years. For 70 years they wandered in the desert lost. Incapable of turning to God for direction to use Him as their GPS = God Purposing System.  It is time that we all use our GPS and put Him to good use in our lives. We just might be surprised to see where He takes us.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

If we got everything we wanted all the time, we wouldn't ever know what we needed.

Friday, August 6, 2010

It could be something as small as a smile, a bigger tip to the waiter, buying someone's groceries at the store, paying a utility bill. All are varying in cost$ but all equally worthy in their true value - a gift is a gift. A smile costs nothing, but what does it cost if you don't smile? Do you want to find out? Whatever it is, give because giving is good, not because you have to. It's easy and you never know when what you've given will come back as that blessing you need.